Shamatha and Vipashyana retreat Aug 2nd – 5th 2012 with Lama Rinchen Phuntsok บรรยายธรรมและฝึกสมาธิสมัถ และ วิปัสสนา จ. เชียงราย 2-5 สิงหาคม โดยพระลามะ รินเชน พุนสก
“Shamatha and Vipashyana” (Calm abiding and Insight) meditation 4 days retreat in Chieng Rai from August 2nd to August 5th (4 days long-weekend public holiday) at The New Life Foundation, please try to arrive by August 1st evening (
บรรยายธรรมและฝึกสมาธิสมัถ และ วิปัสสนา จ. เชียงราย 2-5 สิงหาคม วันหยุดยาว ควรจะมาถึงสถานที่ภายในวันที่ 1 (มีแปลไทย)
สอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ 081-9855564
Please note that the weekend of the retreat is a long-weekend public holiday so would be good to book your travel early. Please try to arrive at the retreat venue on August 1st evening or early morning on August 2nd.
For more information please contact us here, for reservation please contact
Shamatha and Vipashyana
“Shamatha” or Calm Abiding takes the meditator to the stage where emotional conflict and disturbing trains of thought are eliminated in a state of thoughtful concentration which is calm and peaceful. In this peaceful and calm condition nothing disturbs equanimity, whether coming from outside or inside the mind. It is a state untroubled by attachments and aversions.
At the same time the insight which is engendered by one pointed absorption allows clear vision of one’s own mind and the nature of things. This is called “Vipashyana” or Insight, which is a clear mind with an incisive insight into the nature of reality. Calmness and clarity allow the mind freedom to be in the here and now.
The other teaching programs are yet to be finalized. We will keep you posted and you can check at Mongkol Sri facebook page and also at
We are also raising fund for the payment of his flight ticket and other traveling expenses so if you would like to make a contribution please contact us here or call me at 081-9855564. The balance from the contribution will be directly donated to Lama Rinchen.
Here is a brief biography of Lama Rinchen:
Venerable Lama Rinchen Phuntsok is a skillfull teacher with a light and joyful manner. He is a scholar and meditation master of the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition. Born in Tibet, Lama Rinchen began receiving instruction in the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism at the age of six in Tsasum Chokhorling Monastery in Tibet. After he left Tibet in 1958, he studied at Young Lama’s Home School in Dalhousie, The Buddhist Monastic School in Rewalsar, Nyingmapa Lama’s College in Dehra-Dun, and Zongdog Palri Monastery in Kalimpong. Lama Rinchen graduated from Sanskrit University in Varanasi India where he completed advanced studies in Sutrayana Buddhist philosophy and scriptures, commentaries, logic, literature, history, and the major sciences of the Tibetan curriculum.
To complete his training in Vajrayana Nyingma School studies, he served as private secretary to the late His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, supreme Head of the Nyingma order of Tibetan Buddhism for over fifteen years. During that time he received all the important empowerments, transmissions, essential instructions, the oral teaching of Nyingma Kama, and the Profound Rediscovered Teachings of Terma of the great Lotus Born Teacher, Guru Padmasambhava, the founder of Vajravana Buddhism. For many years Lama Rinchen was in charge of Zangdog Palri Monastery in India and also Urgyen Dongag, Choling Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal. In 1980, His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche asked him to come to the United States to teach in his New York center where Lama Rinchen was director and resident Lama for four years. Since then he has lectured widely throughout the United States and Europe at centers, colleges, and universities. Lama Rinchen visits his students every year and stays in St. Louis to give teachings and empowerments for several weeks during his U.S. tour. He also has students in New York, California, Colorado, New Mexico, etc., as he continues to spread the teachings of the Dudjom Lineage.
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