Dear Friends Near and Far,
First of all, on this very auspicious Guru Rinpoche day, I would like to share with you this short video in which I give some advice on how to solve our problems in daily life. I also explain the meaning and significance of supplication to Padmasambhava by means of the six vajra verses .
The supplication I mention in the video is as follows:
dü sum sangye guru rinpoche
Guru Rinpoche, the Buddha of past, present and future,
ngödrub kün dak dewa chenpö shyab
‘Dewa Chenpo’—Guru of Great Bliss—the source of all siddhis,
barché kün sel düdul drakpo tsal
‘Düdul Drakpo Tsal’—Wrathful One that Subdues Negativity—who removes all obstacles,
solwa deb so jingyi lab tu sol
Grant your blessings, we pray!
chi nang sangwé barché shyiwa dang
Through them, may all obstacles—outer, inner and secret—
sampa lhün gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Be quelled, and may all our aspirations be fulfilled.
Secondly, I’d like to quickly remind you to reflect on three important aspects of your practice:
Motivation, which is the way of clearing and showing our path
Aspiration, which is the way to fulfill our path
Dedication, which is the complete accomplishment of motivation and aspiration
Lastly, I’d like to know what I can do to help you in your practice. Please complete this simple form to let me know what you need and what obstacles I can help you overcome. I’ll try to fulfill your wishes in the coming months.
With constant aspirations for you all,
Sarva Mangalam

Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche
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