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Taming Our Fears – Guru Rinpoche day message by HE. Phakchok Rinpoche

30th September 2017 – Taming Our Fears
Dear Friends Near and Far,

Happy Guru Rinpoche Day! Here, Phakchok Rinpoche speaks on Guru Dorje Draktsal, and details the sources of our fears and how to tame them.

Click here to view the video message

We are happy to announce that there are subtitles for this month’s message in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Ukranian, and Vietnamese. Please click the settings wheel in the bottom right corner of the video to access these options.

We are also interested in your feedback about what teachings you would like to hear in the Guru Rinpoche messages.

Submit your feedback here

It is with great joy, after three years of hard work, that we are announcing the completion of the Nepal volume in our forthcoming series of pilgrimage guides dedicated to Guru Rinpoche‘s life and deeds. To inaugurate this special event, we wish to invite you to join us this autumn as we follow in the footsteps of our precious Lotus-Born Guru, Padmasambhava, travelling to the holy sites of Nepal, where he taught, practiced and accomplished the Dharma.
This, our first official Guru Rinpoche pilgrimage, will be taking place in the auspicious Tibetan Year of the Bird – the same year in which, generations ago, the precious Jarung Kashor, otherwise known as the Boudhanath Stupa, was completed and consecrated.
For more information visit Samye Dharma

Six Vajra Lines Accumulation

Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche has asked his sangha as well as all who are inspired to take part to accumulate 10,000,000 (ten million) recitations of the Six Vajra Verse supplication yearly starting from this Guru Rinpoche Day.

So far of you have accumulated 215,489 recitations of this prayer. To reach the target of 1,000,000 a year, we need to as a group increase our effort four fold! Please help to make this goal a reality.

This blessed supplication was revealed as a treasure by the great treasure revealer Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa in the 19th century. The first three lines are supplications to three forms of Guru Rinpoche, the fourth line is requesting Guru Rinpoche to grant blessings, the fifth line is requesting that all levels of obstacles may be removed, and the sixth line is requesting that all wishes may be spontaneously accomplished.

It is taught that there is no greater refuge in these times than Guru Padmasambhava. Make this supplication with a sense of weariness towards samsara, with love and compassion towards all sentient beings, and a heart full of genuine devotion. There is no doubt that the blessings will manifest in one’s mind stream when you supplicate in this way.

You may recite this supplication during your daily practice sessions as well as while going about your daily activities.

We have started a new counter which both tracks your personal contribution as well as the unified total. The page also has more information on the chant as well as links to teachings and commentaries on this profound supplication.

Click here to contribute your accumulations

Sarva Mangalam

May all be auspicious!

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